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SPB Standard Pro Magnetic Magnetbox

Unlimited possibilities at the touch of a button

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With the SPB Standard Pro Magnetic Box, we have set the standard for switchable shuttering magnets in the precast concrete plant. The SPB is the original and offers absolute reliability and durability with its integrated Pro-Magnet, even in diffi cult conditions. The magnetic retaining core is tested regularly in our own magnet production to meet the specifi ed retaining force. The SPB is ready to accommodate adapters and various shuttering skin carriers, which offer countless usage possibilities and thus maximum fl exibility for the future.

Fields of application

The Verbus rib screw connection offers countless possibilities for attaching shuttering skin carriers of all types and for integrating systems such as, e.g. Doka, Peri, H-beam carriers or RATEC shuttering systems.


  • Integrated Pro-Magnet – "Made in Germany"
  • RATEC original automatic magnet system for optimum hold even under heavy loads
  • Maximum retaining force with minimal weight
  • Stable, canted housing construction
  • Completely closed design
  • Demonstrably longer service life of the integrated magnet components
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The Magnet in the box

Our standard magnets of the Pro-Magnet series are used in all RATEC magnet components and shuttering systems. Our in-house magnet production allows us to tailor the magnets to the exacting requirements of our customers and thus realise numerous special solutions. In addition to the tried and-tested standard variants with a retaining force of 450, 900, 1350, 1800 or 2100 kg, we can also implement other designs and magnet strengths as required, or adapt the installation components structurally without losing retaining force. High performance neodymium magnets are used for the Pro-Magnet series, which are installed in-house in a patented process, resulting in our standard installation magnets. Stainless steel bandages and various coating steps and processes make the magnetic core extremely corrosion resistant. Our extensive know-how in the field of magnet design and application enables us to perfectly meet every customer-specific requirement.

Application examples

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[Translate to Asien (EN):] SPB mit 2-Seiten-Kombiwinkel-Aufsatz

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[Translate to Asien (EN):] SPB bei der Herstellung von Treppen

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[Translate to Asien (EN):] SPB mit 3-Seiten-Kombiwinkel

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[Translate to Asien (EN):] SPB mit Niederhalter-Adapter


SPB Standard Pro Magnetic Box

The SPB is the basis for all applications in shuttering construction. The SPB consists of a heavily canted U-profi le with an integrated automatic magnet system with a retaining force of 450 – 2100 kg and screw connections for accommodating adapters.

H1 casing (mm)H2 switched (mm)H3 released (mm)L (mm)Retaining force (kg)W (mm)
SPB 450
Art. No. 05477
SPB 900
Art. No. 03255
SPB 1350
Art. No. 04200
SPB 1800
Art. No. 07949
SPB 2100
Art. No. 03232


Wood tensioner with clamping adapter


For safe holding down of shuttering profiles of all types.

ForL (mm)
Wood tensioner
Art. No. 22802
SPB 450365
Wood tensioner with clamping adapter
Art. No. 04400
Wood tensioner with clamping adapter (SPB 900/1350/1800/2100)
Art. No. 04399
SPB 900/1350/1800/2100365

HT stop adapter


The positioning aid is now available as an adapter solution for the SPB 900. The adapter remains in place after the demoulding process, and the old shuttering pattern can be restored when the shuttering is re-shuttered with the same geometry. This is made possible by a hinged stop bar, which is folded away from the demoulding by approx. 80 mm during stripping. The adapter solution gives you the flexibility to use your shuttering components efficiently.

H (mm)L (mm)W (mm)
HT stop adapter
Art. No. 68532 (without SPB 900)

Adapter For H-beam


For magnetic fixation of an H-beam, e.g. Doka, Peri etc.

Adapter for H-beam 2
Art. No. 46870
Doka H20 N, Peri VT20, u. a.
Adapter for H-beam 1
Art. No. 46878
Doka H20 N, Peri VT20, u. a.

Lifting tool SPB

Lifting tool 1350/1800/2100
Art. No. 03292
SPB 1350/1800/2100
Lifting tool 450/900
Art. No. 03299
SPB 450/900

Attachment face angle Dywidag for radius shuttering


Angle adapter with Dywidag quick release and fastening plate for mounting on a steel or spring steel sheet.

H shuttering skin (mm)L (mm)W (mm)
Attachment face angle Dywidag for radius shuttering 136
Art. No. 10162
Attachment face angle Dywidag for radius shuttering 120
Art. No. 08264

Suppressing device


For secure fixing of, e.g. U-profiles, window frames, etc.

ForH1 Adapter (mm)H2 Adapter and Magnet (mm)L (mm)W (mm)
Suppressing device
Art. No. 09057
SPB 9003777278102

2-sided attachment combo angle


For longitudinal or frontal fixing of plywood, suitable for SPB 1800 and 2100.

For plywood height (mm)H Adapter (mm)L (mm)W (mm)
2-sided attachment combo angle 248
Art. No. 69046
2-sided attachment combo angle 198
Art. No. 20457
2-sided attachment combo angle 148
Art. No. 54193
2-sided attachment combo angle 98
Art. No. 21668
2-sided attachment combo angle 298
Art. No. 40409

3-sided attachment combo angle


For longitudinal or frontal fixing of plywood, suitable for SPB 1800 and 2100.

H Adapter (mm)L (mm)W (mm)
3-sided attachment combo angle 298
Art. No. 40336
3-sided attachment combo angle 248
Art. No. 69532
3-sided attachment combo angle 198
Art. No. 46446
3-sided attachment combo angle 148
Art. No. 69531
3-sided attachment combo angle 98
Art. No. 46441

Angle adapter for welding


For welding of a steel front.

ForH Adapter (mm)L (mm)W (mm)
Angle adapter for welding
Art. No. 08999
SPB 9004027880

Angle adapter H = 140 mm


For shuttering skin from 140 mm to 240 mm in height.

ForH1 base height (mm)H2 shuttering skin (mm)L (mm)W (mm)
Angle adapter H = 140 mm
Art. No. 06278
SPB 900140140-240278120

Angle adapter H=95 mm


Longitudinal side for fixing of plywood.

ForH1 base height (mm)H2 shuttering skin (mm)L (mm)W (mm)
Angle adapter H=95 mm (SPB 900)
Art. No. 04299
SPB 9009595-200278120
Angle adapter H=95 mm (SPB 450)
Art. No. 07514
SPB 4509595-200250120